We are pleased to announce another of our recent investments, the Robe RoboSpot. The addition of the RoboSpot system to our inventory was an easy choice. It perfectly complements our already wide range of Robe fixtures, including; BMFL Blade, MegaPointe, Spiider & 150 LEDBeam‘s. The system makes it easy to create followspot positions wherever they are needed within a lighting rig. However there is no longer a need to put operators into the rafters, they can operate with their feet firmly on the ground. We are excited to get our new systems out onto projects this Autumn / Winter.
If you are interested in hiring a RoboSpot System, please get in touch with our team via Email, App or submit a myQuote request.
Introducing the revolutionary RoboSpot follow spot system. A device that allows follow spot operators to remotely control up to 12 fixtures simultaneously without the safety concerns and impracticality of placing personnel at the top venues such as stadiums, indoor arenas, concert halls, theatres, TV and film sets. Stunning visual displays are now possible with as many as 12 perfectly synchronised fixtures following a performer across the stage.
For Full Product Information or to start a myQuote hire request. Please visit the main product page.